The beginning of all starts with a decent “Hello World!”.
In this case, no ‘echo’, or ‘console.log()’ or ‘print’ is needed, WordPress is just doing it for me :). During my IT projects and within my IT career there are so many “maybe I can share this in a blog or something”-moments. So all my day-to-day experiences and findings will be written up here.
Hereby a short introduction, since the ‘about’ page isn’t finished yet :).
My name is Rob Janssen, I live in a small town in Noord-Brabant, the Netherlands. I have been working in the IT for plus minus 12 years now. Started at a small family-owned company at servicedesk level to system engineer, sr. system engineer and right now I am self-employed for 3.5 years as an Azure cloud consultant.
Besides that tech makes my heart beat a bit faster I have also a busy schedule with a girlfriend and two kids plus a CrossFit hobby (3 times a week) – this to maintain my physical and mental well-being ;).